Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Todd Kerpelman's Box2D tutorials and FlashDevelop

I've been getting into Erin Catto's Box2D physics engine recently (www.box2d.org) and I have found some great tutorials for the Flash version from Todd Kerpelman.  He has put together 22 really awesome videos on the basics of how Box2D works and how to integrate the engine into your games.  Even cooler is the additional 50 videos he has to create your own version of a PopCap game Peggle Nights (cleverly titled Puggle) using Box2D.  I am in the process of going through these myself and I amazed at the quality and the amount of time he put into them.  Please go check them out at:  http://www.kerp.net/box2d/

Another thing that Todd mentions is the use of FlashDevelop in tandem with the Flash IDE.  I think FlashDevelop is awesome because it provides a lot of shortcuts to increase your coding time and has a form of Intellisense when you are coding.  Anyone who has coded within Flash would appreciate this because the Flash IDE leaves a lot to be desired for developer who is used to Microsoft's Visual Studio or something like that.  If you watch the videos, you can see how Todd uses both environments.  You can get FlashDevelop from the following link:   

My recommendation would be to let the installer follow its basic installation routine - I had no problems with this and have been using for a while now.

Anyways, I just wanted to give some props to Todd Kerpelman for providing a great developer resource.  We need more people like him out there.

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